Home Library Service

LibraryCard is a home library service membership ($8 per quarter) that allows you to borrow books (dropped off your door and picked up when they are due at no extra cost). Our collection is specially curated to provide your whole family with a wide range of books from traditional Islamic knowledge to general health and well-being. You can also buy books with free delivery as part of your membership.

How it works

  1. Request a book in our app to have it dropped off at your home (in a bag hung on your door handle) within a week (requests are queued if all our copies the book is already on loan). We store multiple copies of each title to improve availability for members.
  2. Mark the book (in the app) for return and leave it on your door handle the day before collection.
  3. Books are dropped off and collected via a environmentally friendly weekly circuit run around the Greater Sydney Area using a lightweight, fuel efficient vehicle.
  4. Use the app to keep a track of all your books (ETAs, due dates and borrow/purchase history).

More info

  • Service is available to residents of Greater Sydney Area (soon extending to Katoomba, Gosford & Wollongong).
  • Get access to rare books not available for purchase.
  • Unlimited borrowing (up to 3 books simultaneously).
  • Keep your books for 3 to 9 weeks (through automatic extensions when other members have not requested the same title).